My Projects

From Research Prototype
to Research Product

SketchStudio is an application as a research prototype. It has been improved as a product to allow design practitioners and general users to use after research project.(Odom et al., 2016)

Research Lab

ID KAIST Design Research Lab

Design Research for the Future of Design & Design of the Future

Our laboratory name,, clearly indicates that co-design and interaction are the main areas of research. Meantime, it also implies design research directions, philosophy, and focus, which are represented by four key words; Co, design, Inter, and action.

Supervisor: Prof. Tek-Jin Nam

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Conference Paper

Han-Jong Kim, Chang Min Kim, Tek-Jin Nam (2018).
SketchStudio: Experience Prototyping with 2.5-Dimensional Animated Design Scenarios.
In Proceedings of Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, DIS '18, ACM.

Visit ACM DL

Han-Jong Kim, Tek-Jin Nam (2019).
Roles of 2.5D Interactive Scenario Prototyping
in Digital Experience Design Practice and Education.

In Proceedings of International Association of
Societies of Design Research Conference, IASDR ’19.


Han-Jong Kim, Chang Min Kim, Tek-Jin Nam (2018).
SketchStudio: Rapid Prototyping Tool for 2.5D Animated Design Scenarios.
In Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems, DIS '18 Companion, ACM.

Visit ACM DL

Doctoral Consortium

Han-Jong Kim
Rapid Smart Environment Prototyping for Early Conceptual Design
In Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems, DIS '18 Companion, ACM.

Visit ACM DL


Research Assistant Professor
Han-Jong Kim

Designer + Developer in CIDR Lab., ID KAIST

[email protected]

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