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SketchStudio 101


Learning SketchStudio

Explaining how to use SketchStudio

Create Spatial Object

Add An Object

1Add an sketch object on the left list.

2Click right and select Set Sketch.

3Draw simple sketch on the canvas and click Apply to save.

Place An Object

1Open Preview window.

2The transform handle appears when selecting an object.

3Place the object using translate/rotate/scale handles.

Use Sketch Tool

1Text input area appears when selecting text tool. The location of temporal text input can be defined by clicking on the canvas. Check button will stick the text onto the canvas.

2Chessboard for transparency can be toggled.

3An image file can be dragged and dropped onto the canvas. An image source in the clipboard can be also pasted on the canvas (Ctrl+V).

Create Human

Compose Human Journey

1Select Add Human on timeline.

2Right-click a node and select Add Node.

3Arrange the nodes on the spatiotemporal plane to compose the human journey.

Edit Human Property

1Right-click a node and select Edit Human Property.

2Name and type of human can be edited. Invisible hides human model and showes only the sketes.

3Main sketch that is always shown on the front section of human model can be added. It can be used for representing human's characteristic.

Edit Node Property

1Right-click a node and select Edit Node Property. Clicking another node changes the target for the panel.

2Description of the node can be used for explaining the context of the human. It can be appeared on the Viewer as subtitles.

3Node sketch can be assigned. It can be used for representing specific context, such as speech bubble and props.

Place Human

1Open Preview window.

2While dragging on the time bar, several nodes are activated according to the time. Activated nodes has a dot on the center.

3As same with objects, human model can be placed according to the position and rotation for each node. The position of human is relative to the associated spatial object.

Create Action

Use Record Mode

1Select New on the node property panel.

2Drag the circles to manipulate several body parts. In the case of Arm, it moves based on the current viewpoint.

3The dragging can be recorded for up to 10 seconds by clicking Record button. After clicking again, the recording is finished and keyframes are created.

Use Skeleton Mode

1Skeleton mode enables manual editing of the pose of action. It can be used to edit the recorded action or create precise pose.

2Keyframes can be selected, added, and removed using timer. The activated keyframe is displayed in blue.

3The pose of the activated keyframe is changed when the joint of body is selected and rotated.

Import and Export Actions

1Created action can be applied to the other projects with copying it.

2Selected action can be copied to the clipboard when clicking Export.

3With selecting No Action, Import is available. When pasting copied action to the popup window, the copied action will be added on the list.

Change Objects' States

Add A State Sketch

1State Sketches are shown above the main sketches according to their defined time range. It can be used for illustrating the change of artifacts or interfaces.

2Select Add Sketch State on timeline.

3Move the created block and adjust the length to specify its time range.

Edit A State Sketch

1Right-click the block and Edit Sketch State.

2The main sketch is represented on the sketch canvas as the reference.

3Draw a part of sketch that changes. It will be overlapped with main sketch.

Scenario Playback

Play in Editor

1Scenario can be played in Preview window.

2When clicking the play button, the scenario can be played from the position of Playhead, Clicking stop button returns the playhead to the origin.

3A icon toggles the label of humans and sketch objects.

Play in Viewer

1It is impossible to specify specific position for starting the scenario with the Viewer itself. However, playback from certain position can be triggered by Editor.

2The description of human nodes are displayed as subtitles.

3The following target can be selected. The camera follows after the selected target.

Use VR Mode

1On Android-based smartphone, the fullscreen is available with fullscreen button (landscape mode recommended).

2VR button triggeres stereoscopic camera. After selecting following target, check the orientation of VR with smartphone's sensor.

3Touch on the screen reset the viewpoint to the center of the current device orientation. Use Google Cardboard VR with a button (V2 compatible).
Visit Google Cardboard VR

Compose Universes

Add New Universe

1Add a new universe on Universe panel. A universe represents another timeline that exist at the same moment.

2Node graphs and state sketches of other universes are disabled and dimmed.

3Select Add Node from the existing node on another universe to create new node on current universe. Add nodes and state sketches the same as before.

Create A Shift

1Playback starts from the Default space by default. The playback can move to another universe through a Shift at a specific moment.

2Select Add Universe Shift on timeline to create a Shift.

3Add items involves target universe and label to the list on the panel. The top tiem in the options is the default.

Test Shifts

1Check that the shift options appear when the playhead reaches the shift. When clicking the item, SketchStudio moves the universe and plays again.

2When Shift icon is deactivated on the preview window, the shift automatrically select the top one as default.

3The shift options appear as a horizontal list on VR mode. The option is changed by moving the user's head while holding down the button on Cardboard VR. When releasing it, the activated option is selected.

Manage Projects

Save A Project

1Save the current project with clicking Save button on the top right corner of editor.

2When project is updated, run Sync on the viewer to prevent errors.

3A project can be duplicated on the project manager.

Rename and Remove A Project

1Name of a project can be changed on the project manager. Please close and restart both editor and viewer application after rename.

2Please be aware that it is difficult to recover deleted project.

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